Welcome To Our Resource Center
Thank you for utilizing the NFC Science Fair Resource Center. We hope you find the information on this site helpful as you guide your child in the completion of their science fair project and presentation. Science fair projects are a valuable experience. Each student will learn to research a topic and utilize the scientific method to answer a question. After careful testing and data analysis students will report their results in an organized format that will be easy for others to understand. The resources on these pages are designed to help students and parents understand the process needed to complete a thorough and proper presentation. Science research projects can open the door to discovery and further exploration into a world of sciences far beyond the classroom.

Information on this site is from the Intel Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF)
and Science Buddies.
Important Dates to Remember (Please download and print the pages below)
Science Topic -"Getting Started Topic Research Forms"
Science Project Assignment Calendar Fall 2024
**(Please check with your classroom teacher)
Click on the Getting Started Tab above for Project Ideas and more.....
NFC SCHOOL SCIENCE FAIR week of Nov 11 (Due in class Nov 5)

"I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made". Psalm 139:14